Thank you for your interest in working for MSF.

All vacancies in the UK and Ireland offices are advertised via this link.

MSF UK & IE recruitment  >

Find out about volunteering in our MSF Ireland office.

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Visit MSF's international site for jobs in other MSF offices. 

International jobs >

Frequently asked questions for roles in the Irish office

No, we don't accept speculative applications. Please apply for specific roles that match your skills and experience.

You don’t have to be based in Ireland to apply for a role. However, if you wish to work from Ireland you will need to show evidence of your eligibility to work in Ireland. If you don’t have the right to work, we may be able to sponsor you to work for us subject to meeting government requirements. 

There may be a possibility for you to work in another MSF contracting office, you will need to show evidence of your eligibility to work in the country of the MSF office you wish to be based, this is also subject to approval from the MSF contracting offices. 

We don’t ask applicants to complete a formal English test, however a good level of verbal and written English is required.

You may apply for more than one role, but each role must have its own cover letter that details how you meet the role’s person specification. Each role has different tasks and responsibilities.

Of course! We're an equal opportunities employer. We'll ensure that every reasonable adjustment is made so you can attend your interview. 

If you've any special requirements for your interview please let us know when you're offered an interview so we can accommodate you as much as possible.

Rest assured that every application is carefully reviewed and considered. However we're not able to provide feedback as standard to unsuccessful applications unless you reach the interview stage.

Yes, and we encourage you to apply if you believe you have the right skills and experience required for the role for which you’re applying.

Some roles require occasional or regular travel to the field or other MSF offices; the opportunity to travel depends on the role and its responsibilities.